Thursday, April 23, 2009

More Things: Thing 25

So I've spent time trying to add some gadgets/widgets to my blog tonight. I tried a couple of clocks, but Blogger said the first one was broken, and the second one doesn't seem to appear (and Blogger is having some trouble tonight - I've gotten several error messages in the last few minutes.) I tried to add some "quote of the day" things - at least three that Blogger said were broken. The Cave Photo one was broken, too. One is working: the Britannica "library quote of the day" gadget (which I've had to relocate a couple of times.) I'd added the Follower thing earlier, and that's been working.

Err. The clock is on the bottom. Oh, well.

If I were doing this at home, I'd try to do more picture stuff. But I don't have my own digital camera, and our better photos are at home. I did manage to open up the comments on the blog the other week, encouraged by my Follower (Google Mail recognized him for one blog he was following, but not mine.) I was intrigued by the "trackbacks" idea, but Blogger searching isn't working right now. Maybe later.

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